
John Wallis Pi (Wallis Product)

  1. /*
  2. It was always my affectation even from a child, in all pieces
  3. of Learning or Knowledge, not merely to learn by rote, which 
  4. is soon forgotten, but to know the grounds or reasons of what 
  5. I learn; to inform my Judgement, as well as furnish my Memory; 
  6. and thereby, make a better Impression on both.
  8. - John Wallis
  10. */
  12. i = c = 1
  13. setInterval(_ => {
  14.   for (j = 0; j < 1000; j++, i += .5)
  15.     c *= (~~i * 2) / (~~(i - .5) * 2 + 1)
  17.   console.log(c * 2 + '\n' + 3.141592653589793)
  18. }, 16);
π = 2
2 / 1
2 / 3
4 / 3
4 / 5
6 / 5
6 / 7
8 / 7
8 / 9
·   · · ·

I was at an old book store a few days ago and randomly picked up History of Mathematics Vol. I by David Eugene Smith 1923 for $7.50. After enjoying flipping around and reading different parts, I pulled up Wikipedia to read more about the author… From there I found some interesting quotes from talking about John Wallis – when I saw the Wallis Product I was inspired to write a quick snippet.

// golfed // javascript // math // pi

Extremely Golfed Canvas

  1. d = document
  2. b = d.body
  3. with(
  4.   b.appendChild(Object.assign(
  5.   d.createElement`canvas`, { width: 100, height: 100 })
  6.   ).getContext`2d`) {
  8.   fillStyle = 'red'
  9.   fillRect(5, 5, 20, 20)
  10. }
  12. // slightly more complex example
  13. with(
  14.   b.appendChild(Object.assign(
  15.   d.createElement`canvas`, { width: 200, height: 200 })
  16.   ).getContext`2d`) {
  18.   fillStyle = '#555', strokeStyle = '#fff', fillRect(0, 0, 200, 200)
  19.   for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) 
  20.     beginPath(), moveTo(20, 20), lineTo(i * 20 + 10, 190), stroke()
  21. }

Easy way to write canvas stuff with very little boilerplate code. with doesn’t work in strict mode.

Snippet Zone Code Highlighter

I wrote a naive syntax highlighter a few weeks ago. Here it is rendering the code for itself. :

This is not a perfect highlighter, but it was fun to create and I will definitely use it in the Snippet Zone Github repository once I get that set up.

There is some css that goes with the highlighter, it’s pretty boring, but here it is anyway:

  1. .hh {
  2.   white-space: pre-wrap;
  3.   font-family: monaco, monospace;
  4.   line-height: 1.5;
  5.   font-size: .8em;
  6.   background: rgb(3, 21, 36);
  7.   color: rgba(156, 221, 254, 1);
  8.   padding: 1em;
  9. }
  11. .hh b {
  12.   font-weight: normal;
  13. }
  15. .hh i {
  16.   color: #1ad6ae;
  17. }
  19. .hh u {
  20.   color: rgb(255, 195, 252);
  21.   text-decoration: none;
  22. }
  24. .num {
  25.   color: #b5cea8;
  26. }
  28. .str, .str b  {
  29.   color: #ce9178;
  30. }
  32. .par {
  33.   color: white;
  34.   font-weight: bold;
  35. }
  37. .brk {
  38.   color: white;
  39.   font-weight: bold;
  40. }
  42. .o {
  43.   color: rgb(0, 151, 221);
  44. }
  46. .obj {
  47.   color: rgb(52, 206, 47);
  48.   font-weight: bold !important;
  49. }
  51. .w {
  52.   color: #1ad6ae;
  53.   font-style: italic;
  54. }
  56. .k {
  57.   color: aqua;
  58. }
  60. .cmt {
  61.   color: gray !important;
  62. }
  63. .cmt b {
  64.   color: gray !important;
  65. }

I have no idea why I used such bad class names there 😛

// css // dom // javascript // meta // strings // ui

Mini-Markdown Alternate Version

  1. const tagRules = {
  2.   b: '\\*\\*',
  3.   i: '_',
  4.   strike: '~~',
  5.   code: '`'
  6. };
  7. tagRules.keys = Object.keys(tagRules);
  9. const toTag = (str, delim, tag) => str.replace(
  10.   new RegExp(
  11.     `${delim}(.+)${delim}`, 'gm'),`<${tag}>$1</${tag}>`)
  13. const makeTags = str => 
  14.   tagRules.keys.reduce((accum, val, i) => 
  15.     toTag(accum, tagRules[val], val), str)
  17. const markConfig = { 
  18.   emptyLine: {
  19.     check: val => val.trim() === '',
  20.     process: () => '<br>'
  21.   },
  22.   header: {
  23.     calc: val => val.split`#`.length - 1,
  24.     check: (val, result) => result > 0,
  25.     process: (val, result) => `<h${result} style="margin-bottom:0">
  26.       ${val.replace(/#/g, '')}</h${result}>`
  27.   },
  28.   hr: {
  29.     check: val => val.trim() === '***',
  30.     process: () => '<hr>'
  31.   },
  32.   li: {
  33.     check: val => val.startsWith('- '), 
  34.     process: (val, result, lastMethod) => {
  35.       const open = lastMethod != 'li' ? '<ul>' : '';
  36.       return `${open}<li>${val}</li>`;
  37.     }
  38.   }
  39. };
  41. markConfig.keys = Object.keys(markConfig);
  42. markConfig.tail = {
  43.   process: (val, result, lastMethod) => {
  44.     const close = lastMethod == 'li' ? '</ul>' : '';
  45.     return val + close;
  46.   }
  47. };
  49. const mark = str => {
  50.   const lines = str.split`\n`;
  51.   let lastMethod;
  52.   const newStr = lines.map((line, i) => {
  53.     const method = markConfig.keys.find(key => {
  54.       const { calc = () => {}, check } = markConfig[key];
  55.       return check(line, calc(line))
  56.     }) || 'tail'
  58.     const { calc = () => {} } = markConfig[method];
  59.     const newLine = markConfig[method].process(line, calc(line), lastMethod);
  60.     lastMethod = method;
  61.     return newLine;
  62.   })
  63.   return newStr.join`\n`;
  64. }
  66. // try it out
  68. const md = document.body.appendChild(document.createElement('div'));
  69. md.style.fontFamily = 'sans-serif';
  70. md.innerHTML = `# Mini Markdown Subset
  72. This is a subset of markdown stuff
  74. ## It includes
  76. - headers
  77. - **bold styles**
  78. - _italic styles, <br> multiline fine..._
  79. - \`code style\`
  81. Other than ~~strikethrough~~ that is pretty much it... oh and **hr** tags
  82. ***
  83. ***
  84. _here is some italic text with some bold text **nested** <br>within it etc..._
  85. `;
  86. md.innerHTML = makeTags(mark(md.innerHTML));

This is another version of a post from awhile back. I was curious about readability. This has no for loops and no if statements. Personally I find it less readable than the other version…

Here is the simpler original version for comparison… this one also has nested list support.

  1.   const isLi = val => val.match(/(^\s+)?- /)
  3.   function mark(str) {
  4.     const lines = str.split`\n`;
  5.     let wasLi = false
  6.     let lastDepth = 0;
  7.     let depth;
  9.   for (let i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) {
  10.     let curr = lines[i];
  11.     const line = curr.trim();
  12.     const hdr = line.split`#`.length - 1;
  14.     if (line === '') {
  15.       lines[i] = '<br>';
  16.     } else if (hdr > 0) {
  17.       lines[i] = `<h${hdr} style="margin-bottom:0">
  18.         ${curr.replace(/#/g, '')}</h${hdr}>`;
  19.     } else if (line === '***') {
  20.       lines[i] = '<hr>';
  21.     } else if (isLi(curr)) {
  22.       depth = curr.split('-')[0].length + 1;
  24.       lines[i] = '';
  25.       if (depth < lastDepth) {
  26.         const diff = (lastDepth - depth) / 2
  28.         lines[i] += '</ul>'.repeat(diff);
  29.         lastDepth = depth 
  30.       }
  32.       lines[i] += `${depth > lastDepth ? '<ul>' : ''}
  33.         <li>${curr.replace(/-\s+/, '')}</li>`;
  35.       lastDepth = depth;
  37.       wasLi = true;
  38.     } else if (wasLi) {
  39.       lines[i - 1] = '</ul>\n'.repeat(lastDepth)
  40.       wasLi = false
  41.     }
  42.   }
  44.   return lines.join`\n`
  45.     .replace(/\*\*(.+)\*\*/gm, '<b>$1</b>')
  46.     .replace(/_(.+)_/gm, '<i>$1</i>')
  47.     .replace(/~~(.+)~~/gm, '<strike>$1</strike>')
  48.     .replace(/`(.+)`/gm, '<code>$1</code>');
  49. }
  51. // try it out
  53. const md = document.body.appendChild(document.createElement('div'));
  54. md.style.fontFamily = 'sans-serif';
  55. md.innerHTML = `
  56. #Snippet Zone
  58. This snippet renders a subset of markdown. 
  60. - **bold** and _italic text_
  61. - lists 
  62.   - this particulate
  63.     - snippet can render 
  64.     - nested
  65.   - lists
  67. - _**~~strikethrough text~~**_
  69. In a real project you will probably want to use
  70. something more complete like the great <a href="https://github.com/markedjs/marked" target="blank" rel="noopener">marked.js</a> library.
  71. `;
  72. md.innerHTML = mark(md.innerHTML);

ASCII Circles (Bresenham Fun)

  1. // some circles made of text
  3. const cols = 50;
  4. const rows = 50;
  5. const sym = '.';
  6. const body = document.body;
  8. Object.assign(body.style, {
  9.   userSelect: 'none',
  10.   fontFamily: 'Courier, monospace',
  11.   position: 'fixed', 
  12.   width: '100%',
  13.   height: '100%',
  14.   margin: 0
  15. });
  17. const el = body.appendChild(
  18.   document.createElement('span')
  19. );
  20. el.innerHTML = sym;
  22. Object.assign(el.style, {
  23.   position: 'absolute',
  24.   left: '50%',
  25.   top: '50%',
  26.   wordWrap: 'break-word',
  27.   cursor: 'pointer'
  28. });
  30. const charSize = el.getBoundingClientRect().width;
  31. const elWidth = charSize * cols;
  32. el.style.display = 'block'
  33. el.style.width = `${elWidth}px`;
  35. const info = body.appendChild(
  36.   document.createElement('div')
  37. );
  39. Object.assign(info.style, {
  40.   background: '#fff',
  41.   padding: '4px',
  42.   position: 'absolute'
  43. })
  44. info.innerHTML = 'click/tap and hold for different fx';
  46. function resize() {
  47.   const scl = Math.min(
  48.     1.23, 
  49.     Math.min(innerWidth, innerHeight) / elWidth * .93
  50.   );
  51.   el.style.transform = `translate(-50%, -50%) scale(${scl}, ${scl * .55})`
  52. }
  53. addEventListener('resize', resize);
  54. resize();
  56. const size = cols * rows;
  57. const pix = sym.repeat(size);
  58. el.innerHTML = pix;
  60. let cells = pix.split('')
  61. const blank = cells.concat();
  63. function setSym(x, y, col) {
  64.   const idx = x + y * cols;
  65.   if (cells[idx] != null) {
  66.     cells[idx] = col;
  67.   }
  68.   return setSym
  69. }
  71. const grad = '::;|0UU888NN';
  72. function circ(shooter) {
  73.   let x = Math.round(Math.random() * cols);
  74.   let y = Math.round(Math.random() * rows);
  75.   const rad = Math.round(
  76.     shooter ? Math.random() * 2 :
  77.       Math.random() * Math.random() * 13 + 1
  78.   );
  80.   const sym = shooter ? '#' : grad.charAt(rad % grad.length);
  81.   let speed = rad / 10 + .1;
  82.   let dir = Math.random() * 2 - 1;
  83.   return () => {
  84.     drawCircle(x, y, rad, sym, shooter);
  85.     y += speed;
  86.     if (shooter) x += speed * 3 * dir;
  87.     if (y > rows + 10) y = -14;
  88.   }
  89. }
  91. const circs = [];
  92. const NUM = 40;
  93. for (let i = 0; i < NUM; i++) {
  94.   circs.push(circ(Math.random() > 0.5))
  95. }
  97. let down;
  98. document.addEventListener('mousedown', () => {
  99.   down = true;
  100. });
  101. document.addEventListener('mouseup', () => {
  102.   down = false;
  103. });
  104. document.addEventListener('touchstart', () => {
  105.   down = true;
  106. });
  107. document.addEventListener('touchend', () => {
  108.   down = false;
  109. });
  111. let tweak;
  112. let tweakChoice;
  113. let tweakChance = 0.4;
  114. const clear = () => cells = blank.concat();
  116. function draw() {
  117.   if (!down) {
  118.     tweak = false;
  119.     tweakChoice = Math.random();
  120.     clear();
  121.   } else {
  122.     if (tweakChoice < tweakChance) {
  123.       tweak = true;
  124.       clear();
  125.     }
  126.   }
  128.   circs.forEach(circ => circ());
  129.   el.innerHTML = cells.join('');
  130. }
  132. // 60fps is too fast, so use 30ms interval
  133. setInterval(draw, 30);
  135. function hLine(xp, yp, w, col) {
  136.   for (let i = 0; i < w; i++) {
  137.     setSym(xp + i, yp, col);
  138.   }
  139.   return hLine;
  140. }
  142. // bresenham circle
  143. function drawCircle(xp, yp, radius, sym = '@', isFilled) {
  144.   if (isFilled && tweak) sym = '';
  146.   xp = parseInt(xp, 10);
  147.   yp = parseInt(yp, 10);
  148.   radius = parseInt(radius, 10);
  149.   let balance = -radius,
  150.     xoff = 0,
  151.     yoff = radius;
  153.   while (xoff <= yoff) {
  154.     const p0 = xp - xoff;
  155.     const p1 = xp + xoff;
  157.     const p2 = yp + yoff;
  158.     const p3 = yp - yoff;
  159.     const p4 = yp + xoff;
  160.     const p5 = xp + yoff;
  161.     const p6 = xp - yoff;
  162.     const p7 = yp - xoff;
  164.     if (isFilled) {
  165.       const w0 = xoff + xoff;
  166.       const w1 = yoff + yoff;
  168.       hLine
  169.         (p0, yp + yoff, w0, sym)
  170.         (p0, yp - yoff, w0, sym)
  171.         (p6, yp + xoff, w1, sym)
  172.         (p6, yp - xoff, w1, sym);
  174.     } else {
  175.       setSym
  176.         (p1, p2, sym)
  177.         (p0, p2, sym)
  178.         (p0, p3, sym)
  179.         (p1, p3, sym)
  180.         (p5, p4, sym)
  181.         (p6, p4, sym)
  182.         (p6, p7, sym)
  183.         (p5, p7, sym);
  184.     }
  186.     // never been able to find the original 
  187.     // source for the below condition 
  188.     // more info here: https://actionsnippet.com/?p=492
  189.     if ((balance += xoff++ + xoff) >= 0) {
  190.       balance -= --yoff + yoff;
  191.     }
  192.   }
  193. }

This is a bit of a longer snippet that uses the Bresenham circle drawing algorithm to draw some circles with text. I recommend looking at it with the fullscreen button.

I like to do this:

  1. hLine
  2.   (p0, yp + yoff, w0, sym)
  3.   (p0, yp - yoff, w0, sym)
  4.   (p6, yp + xoff, w1, sym)
  5.   (p6, yp - xoff, w1, sym);

Make a function return itself, so that if you need to call it many times without having to repeat the function name. Because this isn’t a common style it is generally frowned upon, I’m always tempted to use it at work for some reason… maybe next April fools.

snippet.zone ~ 2021-24 /// {s/z}