
Divide Rectangle Into Smaller Rectangles

  1. const rand = num => ~~(Math.random() * num)
  3. let rectNum = 2 + rand(10)
  4. let rectCount = 0
  6. document.body.appendChild(document.createElement('div')).innerText =
  7.   'click anywhere to regenerate'
  9. function reset() {
  10.   ;[...document.querySelectorAll('.rect')].forEach(rect => rect.remove())
  11.   rectNum = 2 + rand(10)
  12.   rectCount = 0
  13.   newRect(300, 300, 50, 50)
  14. }
  15. reset()
  16. onpointerup = reset
  18. function newRect(w, h, xp, yp) {
  19.   const rect = document.body.appendChild(document.createElement('div'))
  21.   rect.classList.add('rect')
  22.   rectCount++
  24.   Object.assign(rect.style, {
  25.     position: 'absolute',
  26.     left: `${xp}px`,
  27.     top: `${yp}px`,
  28.     width: `${w}px`,
  29.     height: `${h}px`,
  30.     outline: `1px solid black`,
  31.   })
  33.   const props = {
  34.     x: xp,
  35.     y: yp,
  36.     height: h,
  37.     width: w,
  38.     seed: rand(3),
  39.     divide() {
  40.       const div = 2 + rand(5 * Math.random() * Math.random())
  41.       if (rand(2) == rand(2)) {
  42.         const newHeight = this.height / div
  44.         newRect(this.width, this.height - newHeight, this.x, this.y)
  45.         newRect(this.width, newHeight, this.x, this.y + this.height - newHeight)
  46.       } else {
  47.         const newWidth = w / div
  48.         newRect(this.width - newWidth, this.height, this.x, this.y)
  49.         newRect(newWidth, this.height, this.x + this.width - newWidth, this.y)
  50.       }
  51.       rect.remove()
  52.     },
  53.   }
  54.   window.requestAnimationFrame(() => {
  55.     if (rectCount < rectNum) {
  56.       props.divide()
  57.     } else {
  58.       console.log('DONE!')
  59.     }
  60.   })
  61. }

This snippet comes to mind from time to time – one easy way to divide a rectangle into smaller rectangles- I actually went back and looked it up as it was an answer to a student question from 2006. The original one was written in ActionScript 2. Have a look:

  1. var wormNum:Number = 123;
  2. var wormCount:Number = 0;
  3. newWorm(400, 400, 0, 0);
  4. this.onEnterFrame = function() {
  5. 	if (wormCount < wormNum) {
  6. 		for (var props:String in this) {
  7. 			if (this[props]._x != undefined) {
  8. 				this[props].divide();
  9. 			}
  10. 		}
  11. 	}
  12. };
  13. function newWorm(w, h, xp, yp) {
  14. 	var currWorm:MovieClip = this.createEmptyMovieClip("box"+wormCount, this.getNextHighestDepth());
  15. 	wormCount++;
  16. 	box(w, h, currWorm, random(0xFFFFFF));
  17. 	currWorm._x = xp;
  18. 	currWorm._y = yp;
  19. 	currWorm.seed = random(3);
  20. 	currWorm.divide = function() {
  21. 		var div = random(4)+(1+Math.random()*1);
  22. 		if (random(2) == random(2)) {
  23. 			// divide vertically
  24. 			var nh:Number = this._height/div;
  25. 			newWorm(this._width, this._height-nh, this._x, this._y);
  26. 			newWorm(this._width, nh, this._x, this._y+this._height-nh);
  27. 		} else {
  28. 			// divide horizonatlly
  29. 			var nw:Number = this._width/div;
  30. 			newWorm(this._width-nw, this._height, this._x, this._y);
  31. 			newWorm(nw, this._height, this._x+this._width-nw, this._y);
  32. 		}
  33. 		this.removeMovieClip();
  34. 	};
  35. }
  36. function box(w:Number, h:Number, mc:MovieClip, col:Number):Void {
  37. 	with (mc) {
  38. 		lineStyle(0, 0, 20);
  39. 		beginFill(col, 10);
  40. 		moveTo(0, 0);
  41. 		lineTo(w, 0);
  42. 		lineTo(w, h);
  43. 		lineTo(0, h);
  44. 		endFill();
  45. 	}
  46. }

Don’t remember why I called them worms instead of rectangles, some AS2 types floating around…

snippet.zone ~ 2021-24 /// {s/z}