
Cistercian Numerals (semi-golfed)

  1. N = -1
  2. S = 30
  3. H = 90
  4. h = 45
  5. d = document
  6. b = d.body
  7. m = _ => d.createElement(_)
  8. a = _ => b.appendChild(_)
  10. with(a(
  11.     Object.assign(
  12.       m`canvas`,
  13.       { width: 80, height: 120 }
  14.     )
  15.   ).getContext`2d`
  16. ) { 
  17.   a(m`br`)
  19.   L = (a, b, C, d) => {
  20.     moveTo(a, b)
  21.     lineTo(C, d)
  22.   }
  24.   M = _ => L(0, 0, 0, H)
  25.   O = _ => L(0, 0, S, 0)
  26.   W = _ => L(0, S, S, S)
  27.   T = _ => L(0, 0, S, S)
  28.   F = _ => L(0, S, S, 0)
  29.   X = _ => L(S, 0, S, S)
  31.   D = [
  32.     _ => {},
  33.     O, W, T, F, 
  34.     [O,F],
  35.     X,
  36.     [O,X],
  37.     [W,X],
  38.     [O,W,X]
  39.   ]
  41.   n = s => {
  42.     [...s].reverse().map((l, i) => {
  43.       save()
  44.       translate(S+9, h+9)
  45.       scale(N**i, N**~~(i/2))
  46.       translate(0, -h)
  47.       M() ;[D[l]].flat().map(x => x && x())
  48.       restore()
  49.     })
  50.   }
  52.   a(m`input`).oninput = e => {
  53.     clearRect(0, 0, 80, 120)
  54.     beginPath()
  55.     n(~~e.target.value+'')
  56.     stroke()
  57.   }
  58. }

Type any number from 0-9999 into the input field and see the corresponding Cistercian Numeral. This snippet is partially golfed, I left the canvas commands intact to make things a bit easier to understand.

Simpler SVG Version

This one hardcodes all numbers 0-9 as paths, unlike the canvas version which only defines 1,2,3,4 and 6 as paths and then combines them to create 5,7,8 and 9.

  1. h='innerHTML'
  2. C='children'
  4. document.body[h]=`
  5. <svg id=G width=99 viewBox="0 0 80 120" 
  6.   style="stroke:black;fill:none;overflow:visible">
  7.   <g transform="translate(30,2)">
  8.     <path d="M0 0L 30 0"/>
  9.     <path d="M0 30L 30 30"/>
  10.     <path d="M0 0L 30 30"/>
  11.     <path d="M0 30L30 0"/>
  12.     <path d="M0 30L30 0 0 0"/>
  13.     <path d="M30 0L30 30"/>
  14.     <path d="M30 30L30 0 0 0"/>
  15.     <path d="M0 30L30 30 30 0"/>
  16.     <path d="M0 30L30 30 30 0 0 0"/>
  17.   </g>
  18.   <g transform=translate(30,2)scale(-1,1)></g>
  19.   <g transform=translate(30,92)scale(1,-1)></g>
  20.   <g transform=translate(30,92)scale(-1,-1)></g>
  21.   <path id=m d="M 30 2 L 30 92"/>
  22. </svg>
  23. <style>path:not(#m){opacity:0}</style><br>
  24. <input id=I>`
  26. c=G[C]
  27. p=c[0][h] 
  29. n = s => 
  30.   [...s].reverse().map((l, i) => 
  31.    l-1>-1 && (c[i][C][l-1].style.opacity=1))
  33. I.oninput = e => {
  34.   for(i=0;i<4;i++)c[i][h]=p
  35.   n(~~e.target.value+'')
  36. }
snippet.zone ~ 2021-24 /// {s/z}