
Wobbling Discord Blob

  1. const SCALE = 0.25;
  2. const TWO_PI = Math.PI * 2;
  3. const HALF_PI = Math.PI / 2;
  4. const canvas = document.createElement("canvas");
  5. const c = canvas.getContext("2d");
  7. canvas.width = window.innerWidth;
  8. canvas.height = window.innerHeight;
  9. document.body.appendChild(canvas);
  11. class Blob {
  12.   constructor() {
  13.     this.wobbleIncrement = 0;
  14.     // use this to change the size of the blob
  15.     // use this to change the size of the blob
  16.     this.radius = 1100;
  17.     // think of this as detail level
  18.     // number of conections in the `bezierSkin`
  19.     this.segments = 14;
  20.     this.step = HALF_PI / this.segments;
  21.     this.anchors = [];
  22.     this.radii = [];
  23.     this.thetaOff = [];
  25.     const bumpRadius = 200;
  26.     const halfBumpRadius = bumpRadius / 2;
  28.     for (let i = 0; i < this.segments + 2; i++) {
  29.       this.anchors.push(0, 0);
  30.       this.radii.push(Math.random() * bumpRadius - halfBumpRadius);
  31.       this.thetaOff.push(Math.random() * TWO_PI);
  32.     }
  34.     this.theta = 0;
  35.     this.thetaRamp = 0;
  36.     this.thetaRampDest = 12;
  37.     this.rampDamp = 25;
  38.   }
  39.   update() {
  40.     this.thetaRamp += (this.thetaRampDest - this.thetaRamp) / this.rampDamp;
  41.     this.theta += 0.03;
  43.     this.anchors = [0, this.radius];
  44.     for (let i = 0; i <= this.segments + 2; i++) {
  45.       const sine = Math.sin(this.thetaOff[i] + this.theta + this.thetaRamp);
  46.       const rad = this.radius + this.radii[i] * sine;
  47.       const theta = this.step * i;
  48.       const x = rad * Math.sin(theta);
  49.       const y = rad * Math.cos(theta);
  50.       this.anchors.push(x, y);
  51.     }
  53.     c.save();
  54.     c.translate(-10, -10);
  55.     c.scale(SCALE, SCALE);
  56.     c.fillStyle = "blue";
  57.     c.beginPath();
  58.     c.moveTo(0, 0);
  59.     bezierSkin(this.anchors, false);
  60.     c.lineTo(0, 0);
  61.     c.fill();
  62.     c.restore();
  63.   }
  64. }
  66. const blob = new Blob();
  68. function loop() {
  69.   c.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
  70.   blob.update();
  71.   window.requestAnimationFrame(loop);
  72. }
  73. loop();
  75. // array of xy coords, closed boolean
  76. function bezierSkin(bez, closed = true) {
  77.   const avg = calcAvgs(bez);
  78.   const leng = bez.length;
  80.   if (closed) {
  81.     c.moveTo(avg[0], avg[1]);
  82.     for (let i = 2; i < leng; i += 2) {
  83.       let n = i + 1;
  84.       c.quadraticCurveTo(bez[i], bez[n], avg[i], avg[n]);
  85.     }
  86.     c.quadraticCurveTo(bez[0], bez[1], avg[0], avg[1]);
  87.   } else {
  88.     c.moveTo(bez[0], bez[1]);
  89.     c.lineTo(avg[0], avg[1]);
  90.     for (let i = 2; i < leng - 2; i += 2) {
  91.       let n = i + 1;
  92.       c.quadraticCurveTo(bez[i], bez[n], avg[i], avg[n]);
  93.     }
  94.     c.lineTo(bez[leng - 2], bez[leng - 1]);
  95.   }
  96. }
  98. // create anchor points by averaging the control points
  99. function calcAvgs(p) {
  100.   const avg = [];
  101.   const leng = p.length;
  102.   let prev;
  104.   for (let i = 2; i < leng; i++) {
  105.     prev = i - 2;
  106.     avg.push((p[prev] + p[i]) / 2);
  107.   }
  108.   // close
  109.   avg.push((p[0] + p[leng - 2]) / 2, (p[1] + p[leng - 1]) / 2);
  110.   return avg;
  111. }

This is a stackoverflow answer of mine. The question was asking how to create a wobbling blob like the one in the background of the discord login page. Take a look at the answer here.

User AmooHesam wrapped it up in a github repo here.

// animation // canvas // javascript // math // paths // ui
snippet.zone ~ 2021-24 /// {s/z}