
Remove First Line of a String

  1. str.replace(/.*/, '').substr(1)

Needed this one today…

Tab Timer

  1. <title id=t></title>
  2. <script>
  3.   st = Date.now()
  4.   setInterval(_ => {
  5.     s = Date.now() - st
  6.     t.innerHTML = 
  7.       ~~(s/6e4)+':'+(~~(s/1e3)%60)
  8.   }, 500)
  9. </script>

I speed coded this recently to put a timer in a brower tab.

Have a look at it here in a new tab…

Obviously this is pretty odd – but it does work for my purposes 😉

Gravity Dots 2

  1. d = document
  2. b = d.body
  3. b.style.margin = 0
  4. b.style.background = 'black'
  5. r = (v = 1) => Math.random() * v
  7. with(
  8.   b.appendChild(
  9.     d.createElement`canvas`
  10.   ).getContext`2d`) {
  12.   onresize = () => {
  13.     canvas.width = innerWidth
  14.     canvas.height = innerHeight
  15.   }
  16.   onresize()
  18.   fillStyle = 'red'
  20.   dot = (
  21.     x = r(innerWidth),
  22.     y = 0,
  23.     mass = 20, sr = r(2) + 2, 
  24.     R = sr,
  25.     dx, dy,
  26.     col = '#005eb0',
  27.     dist, vx = .2, vy = 0) => { 
  29.     return () => { 
  30.       fillStyle = col
  31.       R = sr
  32.       if (r() < .001) {
  33.         vx = r() * 4 - 2
  34.         R = sr * 2
  35.         fillStyle = 'red'
  36.         col = `hsl(${r(360)}deg, 50%, 50%)`
  37.       }
  39.       dx = innerWidth / 2 - x
  40.       dy = innerHeight / 2 - y
  41.       dist = Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy)
  42.       dist *= dist
  43.       vx += dx / dist * mass
  44.       vy += dy / dist * mass
  46.       x += vx
  47.       y += vy
  49.       beginPath()
  50.       arc(x, y, R, 0, 6.29)
  51.       fill()
  52.     }
  53.   }
  55.   const dots = []
  56.   for (let i = 0; i < 100; i++) dots.push(dot())
  57.   loop = () => {
  58.     fillStyle = 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.05)'
  59.     fillRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height)
  60.     dots.map(d => d())
  61.   }
  62.   setInterval(loop, 16)
  63. }

A variation on this recent post.

Get the milliseconds

  1. console.log(+new Date());
  2. console.log(Date.now());

At some point I got in the habit of doing +new Date(). Not entirely sure why, Date.now() is the clear choice. I guess maybe Date.now() is newer…

confirmed… it is new, doesn’t work in much older browsers…

Gravity Dots

  1. d = document
  2. b = d.body
  3. b.style.margin = 0
  4. b.style.background = 'black'
  5. r = (v = 1) => Math.random() * v
  7. with(
  8.   b.appendChild(
  9.     d.createElement`canvas`
  10.   ).getContext`2d`) {
  12.   onresize = () => {
  13.     canvas.width = innerWidth
  14.     canvas.height = innerHeight
  15.   }
  16.   onresize()
  18.   fillStyle = 'red'
  20.   dot = (
  21.     x = r(innerWidth),
  22.     y = r(innerHeight),
  23.     mass = 10, sr = r(8) + 4, 
  24.     R = sr,
  25.     dx, dy,
  26.     dist, vx = .2, vy = 0) => { 
  28.     return () => { 
  29.       fillStyle = '#005eb0'
  30.       R = sr
  31.       if (r() < .005) {
  32.         vx = r() * 4 - 2
  33.         R = sr * 2
  34.         fillStyle = 'white'
  35.       }
  37.       dx = innerWidth / 2 - x
  38.       dy = innerHeight / 2 - y
  39.       dist = Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy)
  40.       dist *= dist
  41.       vx += dx / dist * mass
  42.       vy += dy / dist * mass
  44.       x += vx
  45.       y += vy
  47.       beginPath()
  48.       arc(x, y, R, 0, 6.29)
  49.       fill()
  50.     }
  51.   }
  53.   const dots = []
  54.   for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) dots.push(dot())
  55.   loop = () => {
  56.     fillStyle = 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2)'
  57.     fillRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height)
  58.     dots.map(d => d())
  59.   }
  60.   setInterval(loop, 16)
  61. }

Some speed coded dots that gravitate to the center of the screen and occasionally change direction.

snippet.zone ~ 2021-24 /// {s/z}