
Odd Gradient Notation

  1. // "Being clever is not clever"
  2. // -- Bjarne Stroustrup
  3. D = document
  4. ang = {
  5.   '|': 180,
  6.   '-': 90,
  7.   '\\': 135,
  8.   '/': 225
  9. }
  11. box = def => {
  12.   def = def.split(/\s+/)
  13.   form = def.length
  14.   I = i => parseInt(def[i], 16)
  16.   ;[,,, _=>{x = y = I(0); w = h = I(1); c = def[2]},
  17.     _=>{x = I(0), y = I(1); w = h = I(2);c = def[3]},
  18.     _=>{x = I(0); y = I(1); w = I(2); h = I(3); c = def[4]}
  19.   ][form]()
  21.   c = c.split``
  23.   ca = c[0]
  24.   ca = ca+ca+ca
  25.   cD = ang[c[1]]
  26.   cb = c[2]
  27.   cb = cb+cb+cb 
  29.   D.body.appendChild(
  30.     D.createElement`div`
  31.   ).style = `
  32.     position: absolute; left: ${x}px; top: ${y}px;
  33.     width: ${w}px; height: ${h}px;
  34.     background: linear-gradient(${cD}deg, #${ca}, #${cb})
  35.   `
  36. }
  38. const parse = prog => prog.trim()
  39.   .split(/\n+/m)
  40.   .map(line => box(line.trim()))
  42. parse(`
  43.   0 64 0/f
  44.   64 64 0\\f
  45.   a0 f0 30 54 f\\0
  46.   0 6f 20 60 0-c
  47.   f 7f 20 60 0|c
  48.   1f 8f 30 30 c/0
  49. `)

Just playing around… odd micro-gradient notation:

  1. '0 64 0/f'
  2. // x=0 y=0 width=0x64 height=0x64
  3. // 0/f = gradient black to white top right to bottom left
  5. '64 64 0\\f'
  6. // x=0 y=0 width=0x64 height=0x64
  7. // 0\\f = black to to white gradient top left to bottom right
  9. '0 6f 20 60 0-c'
  10. // x=0 y=0x6f width=0x20 height=0x60
  11. // 0-c = gradient black to grey (#ccc) left to right
  13. // etc... ( | ) is top to bottom grad
// css // dom // golfed // graphics // hacks // humor // regex // speed-coded
snippet.zone ~ 2021-24 /// {s/z}