
Golfed Codepen – 3D Spiral Thing

  1. // sort of golfed version of https://www.instagram.com/p/C1uv6Kqv19T/
  2. // by @mewtru
  3. b = document.body
  4. a = Object.assign
  5. a(b.style, { background:'#000', color:'#fff'})
  6. w = 'snippet.zone snippet.zone'.toUpperCase().split``
  7. F = (n, O = 0, C, S, o, t) => { 
  8.   b.innerHTML += `<div id=${n} style='position:absolute;left:50%;top:50%;translate:-50% -50%;width:100% text-align:center;white-space:nowrap'></div>`
  9.   w.map(l => this[n].innerHTML += `<span style='display:inline-block;margin-right:5px;font-size:28px'>${l}</span>`)
  10.   t = O
  11.   setInterval(_ => {
  12.     t += .005
  13.     ;[...this[n].children].map((e, i) => { 
  14.       T = t + i / 2.7
  15.       a(e.style, {
  16.         translate: `0 ${Math.sin(T) * 100}px`,
  17.         scale: Math.cos(T) * .5 + .5})
  18.     }, 16)
  19.   })
  20. }
  21. F('Z') 
  22. F('X', 3)

“Very cool” pen by Lucas Fernando that comes from @mewtru
I decided to do a speed-coded semi-golfed version… can definitely be way more golfed 😀

snippet.zone ~ 2021-24 /// {s/z}