
Alphabet Array Golfed

  1. l=[]
  2. for(i=26;i--;)l[i]=(10+i).toString(36)
  3. console.log(l)

A nasty golfed way to fill an array with letters a-z.

I usually do (as seen in another post):

  1. let letters = 'abcdefghijklmopqrstuvwxyz'.split``

Bat Signal

  1. document.body.innerHTML = '<pre>'+`n2zh2
  2. f8l2b2l8
  3. b8pep8
  4. 7cpepc
  5. 5ijiji
  6. 3yyq
  7. 0
  8. 0
  9. 0
  10. 3yyq
  11. 5afy8fa
  12. 98f69a96f8
  13. f4f2d6d2f4`.replace(/./g,c=>'* '[(n=parseInt(c,36))&1].repeat(n/2||49))
           *                         *
       ****          *     *          ****
     ****            *******            ****
   ******            *******            ******
  *********         *********         *********
  *****       *********************       *****
    ****       ***    *****    ***       ****
       **       *      ***      *       **

Fun js codegolf answer from user arnauld… Whole thread is very fun…

Speed Coded Mouse Toy

  1. d = document
  2. b = d.body
  3. b.style.margin = 0
  4. with (b.appendChild(
  5.   Object.assign(d.createElement`canvas`, {
  6.     width: innerWidth,
  7.     height: innerHeight,
  8.   })
  9. ).getContext`2d`) {
  10.   mx = 0
  11.   my = 0
  13.   onresize = _ => {
  14.     canvas.width = innerWidth
  15.     canvas.height = innerHeight
  16.   }
  18.   onpointermove = e => {
  19.     mx = e.clientX, 
  20.     my = e.clientY
  21.   }
  23.   r = 0
  24.   loop = () => {
  25.     save()
  26.     globalCompositeOperation = 'hard-light'
  27.     translate(innerWidth / 2, innerHeight / 2)
  29.     rotate(r += .02)
  30.     translate(-innerWidth / 2, -innerHeight / 2)
  32.     fillStyle = 'rgba(55, 55, 55, .01)'
  33.     fillRect(0, 0, innerWidth, innerHeight)
  35.     fillStyle = 'rgba(116, 196, 221, .02)'
  36.     fillRect(0, my, innerWidth, 20);
  38.     fillStyle = 'rgba(255, 255, 255, .02)'
  39.     fillRect(mx, 0, 20, innerHeight);
  41.     fillStyle = 'rgba(0, 0, 0, .03)'
  42.     fillRect(0, innerHeight - my, innerWidth, 20);
  44.     fillStyle = 'rgba(116, 196, 221, .02)'
  45.     fillRect(innerWidth - mx, 0, 20, innerHeight);
  46.     restore()
  47.     requestAnimationFrame(loop)
  48.   }
  49.   loop()
  50. }

Speed coded mouse toy…

Shorthand Primitives Golfing

  1. !0 // true
  3. !1 // false
  5. 1/0 // Infinity
  7. 0[0] // undefined (any digit works)

This is from user Isiah Meadows on the codegolf stackexchange…

valueOf for Shorter Function Calls

  1. r={valueOf:_=>Math.random()}
  2. console.log(+r)
  3. console.log(+r)
  4. console.log(+r)

Use valueOf to shorten function calls. I learned this trick over at stackexchange codegolf here from user cyoce.

snippet.zone ~ 2021-24 /// {s/z}