
Random Hex Color (semi-golfed)

  1. document.body.innerHTML += 'click anywhere...'
  3. onclick = () =>
  4.   document.body.style.background = 
  5.     `#${Math.random().toString(16).substr(-6)}`

I golfed this snippet slightly for no reason in particular. I recently posted a nice readable way to make random hsl colors. This snippet generates a random hexidecimal color.

How it works:

  1. Math.random() // random number between 0 and 1
  3. .toString(16) // convert to hex string (something like "0.2d6bcee4198d4")
  5. .substr(-6) // grab the last 6 characters

Here is a non-golfed version:

  1. const instructionsEl = document.createElement('p');
  2. instructionsEl.innerHTML = 'click anywhere...';
  3. document.body.appendChild(instructionsEl);
  5. const randomHexColor = () => 
  6.   `#${Math.random().toString(16).substr(-6)}`;
  8. document.addEventListener('click', () => {
  9.   document.body.style.background = randomHexColor();
  10. });
// codegolf // color // css // golfed // hex // javascript

Creative Coding Auto-Painting

  1. Object.getOwnPropertyNames(Math).map(i => (this[i] = Math[i]))
  2. ;((
  3.   width = innerWidth * 2,
  4.   height = innerHeight * 2,
  5.   cnv = document.body.appendChild(
  6.     Object.assign(document.createElement('canvas'), {
  7.       width,
  8.       height
  9.     })
  10.   ),
  11.   c = cnv.getContext('2d'),
  12.   r = (n = 1) => Math.random() * n,
  13.   NUM = 50,
  14.   f = () => ({
  15.     ax: r(width),
  16.     ay: r(height),
  17.     x: 0,
  18.     y: 0,
  19.     T: r(9),
  20.     R: r(innerWidth * 0.8) + 40,
  21.     t: r(6),
  22.     C: round(r(255)),
  23.     m: r(5) + 1
  24.   }),
  25.   cs,
  26.   sn,
  27.   dx,
  28.   dy,
  29.   ns = [...Array(NUM)].map(f)
  30. ) => {
  31.   Object.assign(cnv.style, {
  32.     transformOrigin: '0 0',
  33.     transform: 'scale(.5)'
  34.   })
  35.   Object.assign(document.body.style, {
  36.     margin: 0,
  37.     padding: 0
  38.   })
  40.   const clear = () => {
  41.     c.fillStyle = '#666668'
  42.     c.fillRect(0, 0, width, height)
  43.     c.globalAlpha = 0.5
  44.   }
  46.   onresize = () => {
  47.     width = cnv.width = innerWidth * 2
  48.     height = cnv.height = innerHeight * 2
  49.     clear()
  50.   }
  52.   clear()
  54.   setInterval(() => {
  55.     for (i = 0; i < 30; i++) {
  56.       ns.map((n, i) => {
  57.         with (n) {
  58.           x = ax + R * cos(t)
  59.           y = ay + R * sin(t) * pow(sin(t * 0.5), m)
  60.           c.fillStyle = `rgba(${C},${C},${C},.02)`
  61.           ;(cs = cos(T)), (sn = sin(T)), (dx = x - ax), (dy = y - ay)
  62.           c.fillRect(cs * dx - sn * dy + ax, sn * dx + cs * dy + ay, 50, 50)
  63.           t += 0.1
  64.           R -= 0.01
  65.           if (R < 5) ns[i] = f()
  66.         }
  67.       })
  68.     }
  69.   }, 16)
  70. })()

Speed coded semi-golfed canvas texture. Best if viewed in fullscreen.

Make Math Global

  1. Object.getOwnPropertyNames(Math).forEach(i => window[i] = Math[i]);
  3. // or with map, just to be shorter
  4. Object.getOwnPropertyNames(Math).map(i => window[i] = Math[i]);
  6. // if this points to window
  7. Object.getOwnPropertyNames(Math).map(i => this[i] = Math[i]);
  9. // or using the deprecated "with" statement
  10. with (Math) {
  11.   console.log(PI, E, SQRT2, cos(1));
  12. }

While not very useful, I sometimes like to make the entire Math object global on the window – just when speed coding and playing around.

Print a Tabula Recta (codegolf)

  2.   .replace(/./g,"$&$'$`\n");
  4. const pre = document.createElement('pre');
  5. document.body.appendChild(pre);
  6. pre.innerHTML = tabulaRecta;
  8. // technique comes from https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/87035/63485

This snippet comes from the the codegolf stackexchange. A little while back a challenge for printing a tabula recta popped up along with a very nice answer from user Neil. Take a look at the answer here.

snippet.zone ~ 2021-24 /// {s/z}