
Martin Kleppe’s Golfed Blobs Quine

  1. <pre id=p style=background:#000><svg onload='setInterval(f=n=>
  2. {for(t++,o=i=1;i++<476;o+=i%30?([(f+"")[i%195],"o"][c=0|(h=v=>
  3. (M=Math).hypot(i/30-8+3*M.sin(t/8/v),i%30/2-7+4*M.cos(t/9/v)))
  4. (7)*h(9)*h(6)/52]||".").fontcolor(c?c>2:n):"\n");p.innerHTML=o},t=1)'>

Great golfed snippet from Martin Kleppe – can’t wait to fork it… 😀

This was updated a bit later to be even smaller:

  1. <body onload='setInterval(f=n=>{for(t++,o=i=1;i++<476;o+=i%30?([(f+f)[i],"o"][c=0|(h=v=>(M=Math).hypot(i/30-7+3*M.sin(t/8/v),i%30/2-7+4*M.cos(t/9/v)))(7)*h(9)*h(6)/52]||".").fontcolor(c?c>2:n):"\n");p.innerHTML=o},t=1)'bgcolor=X><pre id=p>
// dom // golfed // graphics // hacks // html // humor // javascript // math // strings // tricks

Remove from String

  1. x='hello'
  2. x.replace(/h/g,'') // 17 bytes
  3. x.split`h`.join`` // 16 bytes
  4. x.replaceAll('h','') // 19 bytes

Another fun one from the great javascript golfing tips stackexchange thread.

This one comes from user emanresu-a and this answer.

Slider Range Input Wave

  1. N = 8 // try changing this
  2. b = document.body
  4. b.innerHTML += 'Drag any slider<br>'
  5. for (i = N; i--;) 
  6.   b.innerHTML += `<input id=${i} value=0 type=range style=width:200px;display:block>`
  8. onchange = oninput = e => {
  9.   t = e.target
  10.   for (i = N; i--;) 
  11.     t.id != i && (
  12.       self[i].value = 100 * Math.sin(t.value / 60 * i))
  13. }

Sine wave with range sliders…

John Wallis Pi (Wallis Product)

  1. /*
  2. It was always my affectation even from a child, in all pieces
  3. of Learning or Knowledge, not merely to learn by rote, which 
  4. is soon forgotten, but to know the grounds or reasons of what 
  5. I learn; to inform my Judgement, as well as furnish my Memory; 
  6. and thereby, make a better Impression on both.
  8. - John Wallis
  10. */
  12. i = c = 1
  13. setInterval(_ => {
  14.   for (j = 0; j < 1000; j++, i += .5)
  15.     c *= (~~i * 2) / (~~(i - .5) * 2 + 1)
  17.   console.log(c * 2 + '\n' + 3.141592653589793)
  18. }, 16);
π = 2
2 / 1
2 / 3
4 / 3
4 / 5
6 / 5
6 / 7
8 / 7
8 / 9
·   · · ·

I was at an old book store a few days ago and randomly picked up History of Mathematics Vol. I by David Eugene Smith 1923 for $7.50. After enjoying flipping around and reading different parts, I pulled up Wikipedia to read more about the author… From there I found some interesting quotes from talking about John Wallis – when I saw the Wallis Product I was inspired to write a quick snippet.

// golfed // javascript // math // pi

toString Hack Obfuscated

  1. x=''+self 
  2. j=''
  3. 'd1d7a1712345691a7512d427b1da7d9ab7519a4b721a961721d694'
  4. .split``
  5. .map(_=>j+=`x[0x${_}]+`)
  6. console.log(eval(j+'""'))

Yesterday’s snippet saying something else…

It’s simpler than it looks:

  1. x=''+self 
  2. // becomes "[object Window]"
  4. j='' 
  5. // initialize `j` which will be javascript to pass to `eval`
  7. 'd1d7a17123456...' 
  8. // this is a list of index values to 
  9. // look up in `x` in hexidecimal so that each 
  10. // index is a single character
  12. .split``
  13. // split the index values into an array `[0xe, 0x2 ...`
  15. .map(_=>j+=`x[0x${_}]+`)
  16. // map over the index values and write a string like
  17. // this `x[0xe]+x[0x2]+...` into `j`
  19. console.log(eval(j+'""'))
  20. // evaluate `j` with an empty string at the end
  21. // `x[0xe]+x[0x2]+""` and log it out
snippet.zone ~ 2021-24 /// {s/z}