Cistercian Numerals (semi-golfed)
copy N = - 1 S = 30 H = 90 h = 45 d = document b = d.body m = _ => d.createElement ( _) a = _ => b.appendChild ( _) with( a( Object .assign ( m`canvas`, { width: 80 , height: 120 } ) ) .getContext `2d` ) { a( m`br`) L = ( a, b, C, d) => { moveTo( a, b) lineTo( C, d) } M = _ => L( 0 , 0 , 0 , H) O = _ => L( 0 , 0 , S, 0 ) W = _ => L( 0 , S, S, S) T = _ => L( 0 , 0 , S, S) F = _ => L( 0 , S, S, 0 ) X = _ => L( S, 0 , S, S) D = [ _ => { } , O, W, T, F, [ O, F] , X, [ O, X] , [ W, X] , [ O, W, X] ] n = s => { [ ...s ] .reverse ( ) .map ( ( l, i) => { save( ) translate( S+ 9 , h+ 9 ) scale( N** i, N** ~~( i/ 2 ) ) translate( 0 , - h) M( ) ; [ D[ l] ] .flat ( ) .map ( x => x && x( ) ) restore( ) } ) } a( m`input`) .oninput = e => { clearRect( 0 , 0 , 80 , 120 ) beginPath( ) n( .value + '' ) stroke( ) } }
Try it out…
Type any number from 0-9999 into the input field and see the corresponding Cistercian Numeral. This snippet is partially golfed, I left the canvas commands intact to make things a bit easier to understand.
Simpler SVG Version
This one hardcodes all numbers 0-9 as paths, unlike the canvas version which only defines 1,2,3,4 and 6 as paths and then combines them to create 5,7,8 and 9.
copy h= 'innerHTML' C= 'children' document.body [ h] = ` < svg id= G width= 99 viewBox= "0 0 80 120" style= "stroke:black;fill:none;overflow:visible" > < g transform= "translate(30,2)" > < path d= "M0 0L 30 0" /> < path d= "M0 30L 30 30" /> < path d= "M0 0L 30 30" /> < path d= "M0 30L30 0" /> < path d= "M0 30L30 0 0 0" /> < path d= "M30 0L30 30" /> < path d= "M30 30L30 0 0 0" /> < path d= "M0 30L30 30 30 0" /> < path d= "M0 30L30 30 30 0 0 0" /> </ g> < g transform= translate( 30 , 2 ) scale( - 1 , 1 ) ></ g> < g transform= translate( 30 , 92 ) scale( 1 ,- 1 ) ></ g> < g transform= translate( 30 , 92 ) scale( - 1 ,- 1 ) ></ g> < path id= m d= "M 30 2 L 30 92" /> </ svg> < style> path: not( #m) { opacity: 0 } </ style>< br> < input id= I> ` c= G[ C] p= c[ 0 ] [ h] n = s => [ ...s ] .reverse ( ) .map ( ( l, i) => l- 1 >- 1 && ( c[ i] [ C] [ l- 1 ] .style .opacity = 1 ) ) I.oninput = e => { for ( i= 0 ; i< 4 ; i++ ) c[ i] [ h] = p n( .value + '' ) }
Try it out…
toString Hack Obfuscated
copy x= '' + self j= '' 'd1d7a1712345691a7512d427b1da7d9ab7519a4b721a961721d694' .split `` .map ( _=> j+= `x[ 0x${ _} ] + `) console.log ( eval( j+ '""' ) )
Try it out…
Yesterday’s snippet saying something else…
It’s simpler than it looks:
copy x= '' + self // becomes "[object Window]" j= '' // initialize `j` which will be javascript to pass to `eval` 'd1d7a17123456...' // this is a list of index values to // look up in `x` in hexidecimal so that each // index is a single character .split `` // split the index values into an array `[0xe, 0x2 ...` .map ( _=> j+= `x[ 0x${ _} ] + `) // map over the index values and write a string like // this `x[0xe]+x[0x2]+...` into `j` console.log ( eval( j+ '""' ) ) // evaluate `j` with an empty string at the end // `x[0xe]+x[0x2]+""` and log it out
toString hack
copy x= self+ '' console.log ( x[ 8 ] , x[ 9 ] , x[ 6 ] , ' ' , x[ 3 ] , x[ 1 ] , x[ 2 ] , ' ' , x[ 10 ] , x[ 4 ] , x[ 8 ] , ' ' , x[ 5 ] , x[ 1 ] , x[ 11 ] )
Try it out…
Hit the “Try it out” and open the console….
Obfuscated Canvas Commands
copy const oCan = ( d = document, b = d.body , canvas = b.appendChild ( document.createElement ( 'canvas' ) ) , c = canvas.getContext ( '2d' ) , props = [ ] , o = { } , docs = { } , cmds = [ ] , L, k, du, j, draw, id ) => { ; ( onresize = ( ) => { canvas.width = innerWidth canvas.height = innerHeight if ( draw) { clearTimeout( id) id = setTimeout( ( ) => cmds.forEach ( v => draw( v) ) , 500 ) } } ) ( ) Object .assign ( , { margin: 0 , height: '100%' } ) // longer way: console.log(Object.getOwnPropertyNames(Object.getPrototypeOf(c))); for ( let i in c) props.push ( i) // make alphabetical since object keys have // no order props.sort ( ) .map ( i => { L = i.match ( /[A-Z]/ ) k = i[ 0 ] if ( L) k += L[ 0 ] du = 0 if ( o[ k] ) { j = 0 while ( o[ k] ) k += i[ ++ j] } o[ k] = ( typeof c[ i] ) [ 0 ] == 'f' ? ( ...args ) => c[ i] .apply ( c, args) : v => ( c[ i] = v) docs[ i] = k } ) console.log ( 'docs:' , JSON.stringify ( docs, null , 2 ) ) return ( draw = ( s, cmd, currFn, args = [ ] , part, fn, num) => { cmd = s.split ( /\s+/ ) cmds.push ( s) ( ) for ( let i = 0 ; i < cmd.length ; i++ ) { part = cmd[ i] fn = o[ part] if ( fn && currFn != fn) { currFn && currFn.apply ( c, args) currFn = fn args = [ ] } else { num = parseFloat( part) args.push ( ! isNaN( num) ? num : part) } } currFn && currFn.apply ( c, args) c.restore ( ) } ) } const c = oCan( ) // `font` & text not suppoted // make str a function so resize works? c( ` fS #ccc fR 0 0 400 ${ innerHeight} fS blue fR 40 0 20 20 gCl difference ro .25 fR 50 0 30 30 gCl source- over fS rgba( 200 , 100 , 9 ) fR 100 100 40 40 `)
Try it out…
I’ve had this idea for a long time, never bothered doing it until now. I wrote it in a semi-golfed style for no reason… Anyway, this lets you write canvas code in a strange obfuscated syntax that looks like this:
copy c( ` fS #ccc fR 0 0 400 ${ innerHeight} fS blue fR 40 0 20 20 gCl difference ro .25 fR 50 0 30 30 gCl source- over fS rgba( 200 , 100 , 9 ) fR 100 100 40 40 `)
This snippet logs out some JSON that shows all the method aliases for the canvas context.
Proxy Quick DOM
copy const spec = { get ( o, key) { return o[ key] != null ? o[ key] : o[ key] = ( ...args ) => { const el = document.createElement ( key) ; args.forEach ( arg => { if ( typeof arg === 'string' ) { const span = document.createElement ( 'span' ) ; span.innerHTML = arg; el.appendChild ( span) ; } else if ( typeof arg === 'object' ) { if ( arg.tagName != null ) { el.appendChild ( arg) ; } else { for ( let i in arg) { el.setAttribute ( i, arg[ i] ) ; } } } } ) ; return el; } } , set ( o, key, v) { o[ key] = v; } } const dom = new Proxy( { } , spec) ; document.body .appendChild ( dom.div ( dom.button ( 'cool' ) , dom.h2 ( 'some text' , { style: 'font-style: italic' } ) , ( ) , dom.input ( { placeholder: 'zevan' } ) ) ) ; const { div, input, label } = dom; document.body .appendChild ( div( label( 'Slider:' , { for : 'slider' , style: 'padding:1em;display:block' } , input( { id: 'slider' , type: 'range' } ) ) ) ) ;
Try it out…
In this snippet a proxy is used that makes all html node tagNames
valid methods. Each method can take strings and HTMLElements
as arguments in any order to create a dom structure. This may look familiar to people who have looked a bit deeper into the inner workings of some of the popular UI libraries of the last decade.