copy function isPowerOfTwo( value) { return ( value & ( value - 1 ) ) === 0 && value !== 0 ; } for ( let i = 0 ; i < 66 ; i++ ) { console.log ( i, isPowerOfTwo( i) ) ; }
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I’ve had the pleasure of using THREE.js quite a bit over the years. The MathUtils file has some great utility functions. This version of isPowerOfTwo
comes straight from there. I may post a few more from there in the future…
Flower of Life Canvas
copy ( ( d = document, b = d.body , rad = ( innerWidth * 1.9 ) / 6 , theta = 0 , thetaSpeed = 0.03 , cx = innerWidth / 4 , cy = innerHeight / 4 , ox = 0 , oy = 0 , offTheta, x, y, ang, step, blur, _ ) => { Object .assign ( , { background: 'black' , margin: 0 } ) blur = Object .assign ( d.createElement `canvas`, { width: innerWidth * 2 , height: innerHeight * 2 } ) .getContext `2d` with ( Math ) { with ( b.appendChild ( Object .assign ( d.createElement `canvas`, { width: innerWidth * 2 , height: innerHeight * 2 } ) ) .getContext `2d`) { Object .assign ( , { width: '100%' , height: '100%' } ) onresize = ( ) => { blur.canvas .width = canvas.width = innerWidth * 2 blur.canvas .height = canvas.height = innerHeight * 2 rad = ( innerWidth * 2.5 ) / 6 cx = innerWidth cy = innerHeight fillStyle = '#000' fillRect( 0 , 0 , canvas.width , canvas.height ) } onresize( ) step = ( PI * 2 ) / 6 _ = t => { ang = ~~( t / 500 ) % 7 globalAlpha = 0.23 fillStyle = '#fff' if ( ang > 0 ) { offTheta = step * ang ox = rad * cos( offTheta) oy = rad * sin( offTheta) } else { ox = 0 oy = 0 } for ( i = 0 ; i < 20 ; i++ ) { x = ox + cx + rad * cos( theta) y = oy + cy + rad * sin( theta) theta += thetaSpeed fillRect( x, y, 4 , 4 ) } blur.drawImage ( canvas, 0 , 0 ) globalAlpha = 0.05 drawImage( blur.canvas , 0 , 2 ) requestAnimationFrame( _) } _( ) } } } ) ( )
Try it out…
Speed coded animated flower of life on canvas
SVG getScreenCTM
copy const el = document.body .appendChild ( document.createElement `div` ) ; el.innerHTML = ` < svg width= "200" height= "200" viewBox= "0 0 200 200" > < rect class= "rect" transform= "translate(50, 50) scale(1.2) rotate(25)" fill= "purple" x= "0" y= "0" width= "50" height= "50" /> </ svg> `; const box = document.body .appendChild ( document.createElement `div` ) ; Object .assign ( , { position: 'absolute' , left: 0 , top: 0 , width: '50px' , height: '50px' , transformOrigin: '0 0' , outline: '5px solid red' } ) ; const rect = document.querySelector ( '.rect' ) ; const { a, b, c, d, e, f} = rect.getScreenCTM ( ) .transform = ` matrix( ${ [ a, b, c, d, e, f] } ) `;
Try it out…
The transformation matrix of an SVG element can be obtained using getScreenCTM
or getCTM
. The latter of which will be relative to the SVG coordinate space, vs the coordinate space of the page.
Here we take the matrix data from getScreenCTM
and use it on a div to place a border over an SVG rect
node. This is great for layering HTML on top of SVG.
Canvas Particle
copy const canvas = document.createElement ( 'canvas' ) , c = canvas.getContext ( '2d' ) ; canvas.width = 500 ; canvas.height = 500 ; document.body .appendChild ( canvas) ; c.fillStyle = 'black' ; c.fillRect ( 0 , 0 , canvas.width , canvas.height ) ; let a = 0.29 , b = 0.22 ; function f( x, y) { if ( Math .random ( ) < 0.001 ) b = Math .random ( ) ; return Math .cos ( ( x + Math .sin ( x) * 0.01 + Math .cos ( x * a) ) * b) ; } let x = 1 , y = 0 ; setInterval( ( ) => { if ( Math .random ( ) < 0.03 ) { x = 1 ; y = 0 ; } if ( Math .random ( ) < 0.001 ) a = Math .random ( ) ; for ( let i = 0 ; i < 1e3; i++ ) { x = x + f( y) ; y = y + f( x) ; ( ) ; c.translate ( 150 , 250 ) ; c.scale ( 0.5 , 0.5 ) ; c.fillStyle = 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.01)' ; c.fillRect ( x, y, 5 , 5 ) ; c.restore ( ) ; } } , 20 ) ;
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A single particle moves around and leaves a trail