Multiplicative Persistence
copy const multp = ( val, count = 1 , res) => ( res = ( val + '' ) .split `` .reduce ( ( a, b) => a * b, 1 ) + '' ) .length > 1 ? multp( res, count + 1 ) : count console.log ( 'test:' , multp( 2678789 ) )
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Started watching this youtube video from numberphile and instantly made this half-golfed thing
Found this:
By Arnauld over at codegolf.stackexchange
will definitely remember: [...n+'']
Parametric Equation for Rectangle
copy // from const rect = ( px, py, rx, ry, t) => ( { x: px + rx + rx * ( Math .abs ( Math .cos ( t) ) * Math .cos ( t) + Math .abs ( Math .sin ( t) ) * Math .sin ( t) ) , y: py + ry + ry * ( Math .abs ( Math .cos ( t) ) * Math .cos ( t) - Math .abs ( Math .sin ( t) ) * Math .sin ( t) ) } ) const SIZE = 200 const c = document.body .appendChild ( Object .assign ( document.createElement `canvas`, { width: SIZE, height: SIZE } ) ) .getContext `2d` c.fillStyle = 'black' c.fillRect ( 0 , 0 , SIZE, SIZE) let t = 0 setInterval( ( ) => { const { x, y } = rect( 20 , 20 , 60 , 70 , t) c.fillStyle = 'rgba(255, 0, 0, .1)' c.fillRect ( x, y, 10 , 10 ) t += .05 } , 16 )
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Wanted to know how to do this for something back in 2015. Great math stackexchange answer here:
Could be optimized but leaving as is to match:
x = p(|cos t|cos t + |sin t| sin t)
y = p(|cos t|cos t - |sin t| sin t)
One small change here is to add the width and height to the offset so that it draws from the upper left hand corner instead of the center…
Divide Rectangle Into Smaller Rectangles
copy const rand = num => ~~( Math .random ( ) * num) let rectNum = 2 + rand( 10 ) let rectCount = 0 document.body .appendChild ( document.createElement ( 'div' ) ) .innerText = 'click anywhere to regenerate' function reset( ) { ; [ ...document .querySelectorAll ( '.rect' ) ] .forEach ( rect => rect.remove ( ) ) rectNum = 2 + rand( 10 ) rectCount = 0 newRect( 300 , 300 , 50 , 50 ) } reset( ) onpointerup = reset function newRect( w, h, xp, yp) { const rect = document.body .appendChild ( document.createElement ( 'div' ) ) rect.classList .add ( 'rect' ) rectCount++ Object .assign ( , { position: 'absolute' , left: `${ xp} px`, top: `${ yp} px`, width: `${ w} px`, height: `${ h} px`, outline: `1px solid black`, } ) const props = { x: xp, y: yp, height: h, width: w, seed: rand( 3 ) , divide( ) { const div = 2 + rand( 5 * Math .random ( ) * Math .random ( ) ) if ( rand( 2 ) == rand( 2 ) ) { const newHeight = this .height / div newRect( this .width , this .height - newHeight, this .x , this .y ) newRect( this .width , newHeight, this .x , this .y + this .height - newHeight) } else { const newWidth = w / div newRect( this .width - newWidth, this .height , this .x , this .y ) newRect( newWidth, this .height , this .x + this .width - newWidth, this .y ) } rect.remove ( ) } , } window.requestAnimationFrame ( ( ) => { if ( rectCount < rectNum) { props.divide ( ) } else { console.log ( 'DONE!' ) } } ) }
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This snippet comes to mind from time to time – one easy way to divide a rectangle into smaller rectangles- I actually went back and looked it up as it was an answer to a student question from 2006. The original one was written in ActionScript 2. Have a look:
copy var wormNum: Number = 123 ; var wormCount: Number = 0 ; newWorm( 400 , 400 , 0 , 0 ) ; this .onEnterFrame = function ( ) { if ( wormCount < wormNum) { for ( var props: String in this ) { if ( this [ props] ._x != undefined ) { this [ props] .divide ( ) ; } } } } ; function newWorm( w, h, xp, yp) { var currWorm: MovieClip = this .createEmptyMovieClip ( "box" + wormCount, this .getNextHighestDepth ( ) ) ; wormCount++; box( w, h, currWorm, random( 0xFFFFFF) ) ; currWorm._x = xp; currWorm._y = yp; currWorm.seed = random( 3 ) ; currWorm.divide = function ( ) { var div = random( 4 ) + ( 1 + Math .random ( ) * 1 ) ; if ( random( 2 ) == random( 2 ) ) { // divide vertically var nh: Number = this ._height/ div; newWorm( this ._width, this ._height- nh, this ._x, this ._y) ; newWorm( this ._width, nh, this ._x, this ._y+ this ._height- nh) ; } else { // divide horizonatlly var nw: Number = this ._width/ div; newWorm( this ._width- nw, this ._height, this ._x, this ._y) ; newWorm( nw, this ._height, this ._x+ this ._width- nw, this ._y) ; } this .removeMovieClip ( ) ; } ; } function box( w: Number , h: Number , mc: MovieClip, col: Number ) : Void { with ( mc) { lineStyle( 0 , 0 , 20 ) ; beginFill( col, 10 ) ; moveTo( 0 , 0 ) ; lineTo( w, 0 ) ; lineTo( w, h) ; lineTo( 0 , h) ; endFill( ) ; } }
Don’t remember why I called them worms instead of rectangles, some AS2 types floating around…
Inverse of a Function
copy const expoIn = t => ( t== 0 ) ? 0 : Math .pow ( 2 , 10 * ( t - 1 ) ) const expoInInverse= t => ( t== 0 ) ? 0 : ( ( Math .log ( t) + 10 * Math .log ( 2 ) ) / Math .log ( 2 ) ) / 10 console.log ( expoIn( .35) + ' ' + expoInInverse( expoIn( .35) ) )
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Very nice inverse function calculator by user fawad over at Wolfram Alpha . Was attempting to invert a standard “exponential in” easing function – after some futzing I resorted to the calculator đ