
Inverse of a Function

  1. const expoIn = t => 
  2.   (t==0) ? 0 : Math.pow(2, 10 * (t - 1))
  4. const expoInInverse= t => 
  5.   (t==0) ? 0 : ((Math.log(t) + 10 * Math.log(2)) / Math.log(2)) / 10
  8. console.log(expoIn(.35) + ' ' +  expoInInverse(expoIn(.35)))

Very nice inverse function calculator by user fawad over at Wolfram Alpha. Was attempting to invert a standard “exponential in” easing function – after some futzing I resorted to the calculator 😀

Normalize Value Between 0 and 1

  1. const d = document.body.appendChild(
  2.   document.createElement`div`)
  3. d.innerHTML = `
  4. <input 
  5.   id="input"
  6.   type="range" 
  7.   min="-2" max="5" 
  8.   value="0">
  9. `
  11. let val = 0;
  13. console.log('drag slider...')
  15. const range = (input.max - input.min);
  17. input.oninput = () => {
  18.   val = (input.value - input.min) / range
  19.   console.log(input.value + ' - normalized = ' + val)
  20. }
// html // javascript // math // ui

Decompose Matrix

  1. const deltaTransformPoint = (matrix, point) => {
  2.   return {
  3.     x: point.x * matrix.a + point.y * matrix.c,
  4.     y: point.x * matrix.b + point.y * matrix.d
  5.   }
  6. }
  8. const decomposeMatrix = matrix => {
  9.   let px = deltaTransformPoint(matrix, { x: 0, y: 1 })
  10.   let py = deltaTransformPoint(matrix, { x: 1, y: 0 })
  11.   let skewX = FROM_RADS * Math.atan2(px.y, px.x) - 90
  12.   let skewY = FROM_RADS * Math.atan2(py.y, py.x)
  14.   return {
  15.     tx: matrix.e,
  16.     ty: matrix.f,
  17.     scaleX: Math.sqrt(matrix.a * matrix.a + matrix.b * matrix.b),
  18.     scaleY: Math.sqrt(matrix.c * matrix.c + matrix.d * matrix.d),
  19.     skewX: skewX,
  20.     skewY: skewY,
  21.     rotation: skewX
  22.   }
  23. }

Get the scale, translation, rotationa and skew values from a matrix.

Great stackoverflow answer from user dave

// graphics // math // matrix

Iterative Square Root

  1. //------------------------------------------------------------------
  2. float function_IterativeSquareRoot (float x) {
  3.   // http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Methods_of_computing_square_roots
  4.   // Ancient Babylonian technology
  5.   functionName = "Iterative (Heron's) Square Root";
  6.   float y = 0.5; 
  7.   int n = 6;
  8.   for (int i=0; i<n; i++) {
  9.     y = (y + x/y)/2.0;
  10.   }
  11.   return y;
  12. }

Was browsing some code by Golan Levin and stumbled on this…

There are some real gems in the repo – might port some stuff from there in the future…

Fibonacci Triangle Golfed

  1. // by Arnauld - https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/users/58563/arnauld
  2. f=(n,a=b=1,p)=>n?''.padEnd(p)+a+`+${b}=${b+=a}
  3. `+f(n-1,b-a,(a+"").length-~p):''
  5. console.log(f(20))

Great golfed solution to this question at codegolf stackexchange by user Arnauld

snippet.zone ~ 2021-24 /// {s/z}