Prevent Class Method From Being Overwritten
copy class A { method( ) { console.log ( 'original' ) } } Object .freeze ( A.prototype ) let a = new A( ) a.method = function ( ) { console.log ( 'overwritten' ) } a.method ( ) class B { method( ) { console.log ( 'original' ) } } let b = new B( ) b.method = function ( ) { console.log ( 'overwritten' ) } b.method ( )
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I’m surprised I never tried/needed this before.
Log All Class Method Calls
copy class ConfusingClass { constructor( ) { logMethodCalls( this ) this .confuseMe = 1 this .someFn ( 300 ) } someFn( startVal = 1 ) { this .confuseMe = startVal this .testFn ( ( ) => this .otherFn ( 123 ) ) } testFn( fn) { this .confuseMe += 1 fn( this .confuseMe ) } otherFn( value = 111 ) { this .confuseMe += 2 this .testFn ( ( ) => this .confuseMe += value) this .confuseMe = this .add ( this .confuseMe , 999 ) console.log ( this .confuseMe ) } add( a, b) { return a + b } } const confusing = new ConfusingClass( ) function logMethodCalls( target) { const keys = Object .getOwnPropertyNames ( target.constructor .prototype ) for ( let i = 0 ; i < keys.length ; i++ ) { const key = keys[ i] const propOrMethod = target[ key] if ( typeof propOrMethod === 'function' ) { target[ key] = function ( ...args ) { console.log ( key, '(' , args.join ( ', ' ) , ') - was run' ) return propOrMethod.apply ( target, args) ; } } } }
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This one is good for dealing with confusing classes with lots of method calls. It logs any time a method is called, what its name is and what arguments were passed to it. Sometimes this really beats stepping through breakpoints, at least in my experience…
Pass a Class
copy function callMethods( evt) { const e = new evt ( ) e.two ( ) } callMethods( class { one( ) { console.log ( 'one' ) } two( ) { console.log ( 'two' ) } } )
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This is so tempting for something I want to do… but too strange to use probably… maybe…
super Methods Javascript
copy class Person { constructor( name, email) { this .name = name; } toString( ) { return `name: ${ this .name } `; } } class Teacher extends Person { constructor( name, subject) { super ( name) ; this .subject = subject; } toString( ) { return super .toString ( ) + ` subject: ${ this .subject } `; } } const teacher = new Teacher( 'testname' , 'testSubject' ) ; console.log ( teacher.toString ( ) ) ;
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This is from an old stackoveflow answer of mine …
Bind All Methods to a Class instance JavaScript
copy function bindAll( target) { const keys = Object .getOwnPropertyNames ( target.constructor .prototype ) ; for ( let i = 0 ; i < keys.length ; i++ ) { const key = keys[ i] ; const propOrMethod = target[ key] ; if ( typeof propOrMethod === 'function' ) { target[ key] = target[ key] .bind ( target) ; } } } class Test { constructor( ) { bindAll( this ) ; document.addEventListener ( 'click' , this .onClick ) ; } onClick( e) { console.log ( 'click' , this ) ; } otherMethod( e) { console.log ( 'test' , this ) ; } } const test = new Test( ) ; setInterval( test.otherMethod , 1000 ) ;
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This is useful when you know you need many methods of a given class to be bound to the classes instance. Another way to do this is to selectively use instance properties:
copy class Test { constructor( ) { document.addEventListener ( 'click' , this .onClick ) ; } onClick = e => { console.log ( 'click' , this ) ; } otherMethod e => { console.log ( 'test' , this ) ; } }
Avoiding classes is another way to not have to deal with this issue đ