Remove First Line of a String
str.replace(/.*/, '').substr(1)
Needed this one today…
const txt = document.body.appendChild(
); = 0;
Object.assign(, {
position: 'relative',
width: '90%',
fontSize: '1.5em',
borderRadius: 0,
padding: '1em',
outline: 'none'
txt.setAttribute('placeholder', 'enter some text');
const result = document.body.appendChild(
Object.assign(, {
padding: '1em',
fontSize: '2em'
txt.addEventListener('input', () => {
result.innerHTML = txt.value.replace(/[aeiou]/gi, 'o');
This snippet takes input into a textfield and replaces all vowels with the letter “o”. I saw a meme that did something like this with musical instruments piano = poono, guitar = gootor
const isLi = val => val.match(/(^\s+)?- /)
function mark(str) {
const lines = str.split`\n`;
let wasLi = false
let lastDepth = 0;
let depth;
for (let i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) {
let curr = lines[i];
const line = curr.trim();
const hdr = line.split`#`.length - 1;
if (line === '') {
lines[i] = '<br>';
} else if (hdr > 0) {
lines[i] = `<h${hdr} style="margin-bottom:0">
${curr.replace(/#/g, '')}</h${hdr}>`;
} else if (line === '***') {
lines[i] = '<hr>';
} else if (isLi(curr)) {
depth = curr.split('-')[0].length + 1;
lines[i] = '';
if (depth < lastDepth) {
const diff = (lastDepth - depth) / 2
lines[i] += '</ul>'.repeat(diff);
lastDepth = depth
lines[i] += `${depth > lastDepth ? '<ul>' : ''}
<li>${curr.replace(/-\s+/, '')}</li>`;
lastDepth = depth;
wasLi = true;
} else if (wasLi) {
lines[i - 1] = '</ul>\n'.repeat(lastDepth)
wasLi = false
return lines.join`\n`
.replace(/\*\*(.+)\*\*/gm, '<b>$1</b>')
.replace(/_(.+)_/gm, '<i>$1</i>')
.replace(/~~(.+)~~/gm, '<strike>$1</strike>')
.replace(/`(.+)`/gm, '<code>$1</code>');
// try it out
const md = document.body.appendChild(document.createElement('div')); = 'sans-serif';
md.innerHTML = `
#Snippet Zone
This snippet renders a subset of markdown.
- **bold** and _italic text_
- lists
- this particulate
- snippet can render
- nested
- lists
- _**~~strikethrough text~~**_
In a real project you will probably want to use
something more complete like the great <a href="" target="blank" rel="noopener">marked.js</a> library.
md.innerHTML = mark(md.innerHTML);
This snippet renders a small subset of markdown. This is the same as a post from the other day with the addition of support for nested lists.
function mark(str) {
const lines = str.split`\n`;
let wasLi;
for (let i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) {
const curr = lines[i];
const line = curr.trim();
const hdr = line.split`#`.length - 1;
if (line === '') {
lines[i] = '<br>';
} else if (hdr > 0) {
lines[i] = `<h${hdr} style="margin-bottom:0">
${curr.replace(/#/g, '')}</h${hdr}>`;
} else if (line === '***') {
lines[i] = '<hr>';
} else if (line.startsWith('- ')) {
lines[i] = `${!wasLi ? '<ul>' : ''}
<li>${curr.replace(/-\s+/, '')}</li>`;
wasLi = true;
} else if (wasLi) {
lines[i - 1] += '</ul>\n';
wasLi = false;
return lines.join`\n`
.replace(/\*\*(.+)\*\*/gm, '<b>$1</b>')
.replace(/_(.+)_/gm, '<i>$1</i>')
.replace(/~~(.+)~~/gm, '<strike>$1</strike>')
.replace(/`(.+)`/gm, '<code>$1</code>');
// try it out
const md = document.body.appendChild(document.createElement('div')); = 'sans-serif';
md.innerHTML = `# Mini Markdown Subset
This is a subset of markdown stuff
## It includes
- headers
- **bold styles**
- _italic styles, <br> multiline fine..._
- \`code style\`
Other than ~~strikethrough~~ that is pretty much it... oh and **hr** tags
_here is some italic text with some bold text **nested** <br>within it etc..._
md.innerHTML = mark(md.innerHTML);
This code takes a string and formats a few parts of it with markdown syntax. This only handles a small subset of actual markdown.
I was thinking about markdown in code comments last night as I was working on a forthcoming github repo. Anyway, I decided to speed-code the main things I find myself using in markdown so that maybe I can do markdown formatted comments at some point…