
Proxies and Dynamic Methods

  1. const spec = {
  2.   get(o, key) {
  3.     console.log(key, ':: key');
  4.     return o[key] != null ? 
  5.       o[key] : o[key] = () => {
  6.         document.body.innerHTML += `<div>${key}!</div>`;
  7.         return anyMethod();
  8.       }
  9.   },
  10.   set(o, key, v) {
  11.     o[key] = v;
  12.   }
  13. };
  15. const anyMethod = () => new Proxy({}, spec);
  17. anyMethod().now()
  18.   .this().is()
  19.   .pretty()
  20.   .cool()
  21.   .confusing()
  22.   .evil()?.or()
  23.   .maybe().powerful()
  24.   ['... what <b>do</b> <i>you</i><br>']()
  25.   .think();

Proxies can be used for all manner of strange “magic”. I can actually see some uses for this, might post in the next few days…

snippet.zone ~ 2021-24 /// {s/z}