
CSS Checkbox

  1. <div class="toggle">
  2.   <input class="check" type="checkbox" tabindex="0">
  3.   <label></label>
  4. </div>
  6. <style>
  7.   .toggle {
  8.     position: relative;
  9.   }
  10.   .check {
  11.     position: absolute;
  12.     width: 3rem;
  13.     height: 3rem;
  14.     margin: 0;
  15.     opacity: 0;
  16.     cursor: pointer;
  17.   }
  18.   label {
  19.     position: absolute;
  20.     pointer-events: none;
  21.     content: '';
  22.     width: 3rem;
  23.     height: 3rem;
  24.     background: black;
  25.     cursor: pointer
  26.   }
  27.   .check:checked + label {
  28.     background: red;
  29.   }
  30. </style>

Quick css checkbox. I used to do this all the time and feel like maybe there was a better way… anyway, this is what I did to get it working fast…

// css // html // ui
snippet.zone ~ 2021-24 /// {s/z}